DECREE No. 2004/320 OF 8 December 2004 to organize the government, as amended by decree N°2007/269 of september 2007


Mindful of the constitution;



(1) The President of the Republic, Head of State, appoints the Prime Minister and, on a proposal from one, the other members of the government. It puts an end to their functions.

(2) The Prime Minister heads the government’s action.

(3) The Government is responsible for the implementation of the national policy as defined by the President of the Republic.

(4) Ministers without portfolio Ministers and Mission are under the direct authority of the President to accomplish specific missions.

(5) The deputy ministers are under the authority of the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister or ministers for specific tasks permanent.

(6) The Secretaries of State assist ministers in their tasks and may be responsible, under the authority of the latter, management sectors; particular set of texts, as appropriate, their own powers.

2: The Government includes:

– The Prime Minister;
– Vice-Premiers, if applicable;
– Ministers of State, if applicable;
– Ministers;
– Ministers without portfolio;
– Mission of the ministers;
– The Ministers;
– Secretaries of State.


(1) The organization of the Prime Minister and government departments is subject to specific texts.

(2) are attached to the Prime Minister:

– The highest authority of the Public Service;
– National Commission of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms;
– The National Council of Communication.


(1) The departments are listed alphabetically:

– The Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization;
– The Ministry of Social Affairs;
– Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development;
– The Ministry of Higher control of the State, under the authority of the Minister Delegate at the Presidency of the Republic;
– The Ministry of Relations with the Assemblies, under the authority of the Minister Delegate at the Presidency of the Republic;
– Ministry of Commerce;
– Department of Communication;
– The Ministry of Culture;
– The Ministry of Defence, under the authority of a Minister Delegate at the Presidency of the Republic;
– The Ministry of Urban Development and Housing;
– The Ministry of Lands and Land Affairs;
– Ministry of Economy and Finance;
– The Ministry of Basic Education;
– The Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries;
– The Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training;
– The Ministry of Energy and Water;
– The Ministry of Secondary Education;
– Ministry of Higher Education;
– The Ministry of Environment and Protection of Nature;
– The Ministry of Public Service and Administrative Reform;
– Ministry of Forests and Wildlife;
– The Ministry of Industry, Mines and Technological Development;
– The Ministry of Youth;
– The Ministry of Justice;
– The Ministry of Planning, Development Programming and Regional Planning;
– Ministry of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, Social Economy and Handicrafts;
– The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications;
– The Ministry of Promotion of Women and the family;
– The Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation;
– The Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
– The Ministry of Public Health;
– The Ministry of Sports and Physical Education;
– Ministry of Tourism;
– The Ministry of Transport;
– Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare;
– Department of Public Works.

(2) Ministers delegates attended the Minister of Territorial Administration and
Decentralization, the Minister of Communication, Minister of Economy and Finance, the Minister of the Environment, the Minister of Justice, the Minister of Planning, Development Programming and Regional Development and Minister of Foreign Affairs.

(3) assist the Secretaries of State Ministers in the following departments:

– Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development;
– Ministry of Commerce;
– Ministry of Defence;
– Ministry of State Property and Land Affairs;
– Ministry of Economy and Finance;
– Ministry of Secondary Education;
– Ministry of Public Health;
– Ministry of Transport;
– Department of Public Works.

5: the powers of Ministers shall be as follows:

(1) The Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Defence is responsible for:
– The study of the defense plan;
– The implementation of defense policy;
– Coordination and control of defense forces;
– Organization and operation of military courts.
He is assisted by a Secretary of State with special responsibility for the Force.

(2) The Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Supreme State Control is responsible for the overall supervision of the management of public finances in the public services, institutions and public and parastatal agencies on administrative and financial matters.

(3) The Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Relations with the Assemblies liaison between the government and the National Assembly, the Senate and the Economic and Social Council.

(4) The Minister of Territorial Administration and Decentralization is responsible for the preparation, implementation and evaluation of national policy in the field of land administration, civil protection and decentralization .

In this capacity, he is responsible for:

a) In the field of territorial administration:

– The organization and functioning of administrative districts and local Territorial Administration;

– The organization of elections to national, local or referendum as provided by laws and regulations;

– The preparation and implementation of laws and regulations pertaining to civil liberties;

– The organization and monitoring of traditional leaders;

– Monitoring the activities of associations and political movements;

– Issues of worship;

– Monitoring the activities of associations, organizations and movements non-profit;

– Maintenance of public order in relation to the specialized forces;

– Organization and control centers of marital status.

b) In the field of civil protection:

– The development and implementation of regulations and standards for the prevention and management of risks and natural disasters, in conjunction with other administrations;

– Coordination of national and international natural disasters;

c) In the area of ​​decentralization:

– The development and monitoring of the implementation of the regulations on the organization and functioning of local authorities;
– The exercise of state supervision of regional and local authorities under the authority of the President of the Republic;

– Regular evaluation of the implementation of decentralization.
He supervises the Special Fund for Mutual Assistance Equipment, government agencies implementing decentralization and Training Centre for the municipal administration.
He is assisted by a Deputy Minister for Local Authorities decentralized.

(5) The Minister of Social Affairs is responsible for the development, implementation and evaluation of national policy on prevention and social assistance and social protection of the individual.

In this capacity, he is responsible for:

– Social protection of children, the elderly and the disabled;

– The prevention and treatment of juvenile delinquency and social maladjustment;

– Facilitation of reintegration and the fight against exclusion;

– National solidarity;

– Control personal training schools social

– Animation, supervision and control of facilities and institutions contributing to the implementation of the social protection policy.

It liaises with the United Nations Children’s Fund, and the guardianship and protection agencies supervision of the child, excluding educational institutions under the ministries responsible for education issues .

(6) The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development is responsible for the preparation, implementation and evaluation of national policy in the areas of agriculture and rural development.

In this capacity he is responsible for:

a) In agriculture:

– The development, planning and implementation of government programs related to agriculture and rural development;
– The development of regulations and standards, as well as monitoring their implementation;

– Monitoring and protection of the various agricultural sectors;

– Plant Protection of plants;

– The design of strategies and procedures to ensure the safety and self-sufficiency as well as monitoring their implementation;

– The identification and promotion of new agricultural products for export;

– The collection, production and analysis of agricultural statistics;

– Dissemination of information and advice to agricultural producers;

– Coordination of crisis management in agriculture;

– Monitoring of professional agricultural organizations;

– The promotion of investment, medium and large farms in the agricultural sector;

– Agricultural education and cooperative control of agricultural education and cooperative control of private agricultural education in conjunction with the Ministry of Vocational Training;

b) In terms of rural development:

– The supervision of farmers and agricultural extension;

– Participation in the planning of programs to improve the quality of life in rural areas, in conjunction with relevant ministries;

– Monitoring the implementation of programs to improve the quality of life in rural areas;
– The promotion of community development;

– Rural Engineering.

He supervises the development of structures in rural areas as well as the Cameroon Development Corporation, the Company’s Cocoa Development and the Chamber of Agriculture, Livestock and Forestry.

It liaises with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation and the World Food Programme, among others.

He is assisted by a Secretary of State.

(7) The Minister of Commerce is responsible for the definition, implementation and evaluation of national policy in the field of trade.

In this capacity he is responsible for:

– The development, implementation and evaluation of strategies to promote Cameroonian products;

– The promotion and defense of a quality label for products for export;
– The search for new markets for Cameroon;

– Monitoring of international trade in agricultural products of the country;

– Monitoring the implementation of standards for the import, in conjunction with the Ministry of Finance;

– The development of regulations on pricing and monitoring its implementation;
– Monitoring of inflation;

– The promotion and monitoring of healthy competition;

– Organization and supervision at trade fairs;

– The development of standards and measuring instruments for quality control and monitoring of their implementation;

– Negotiation and monitoring of the implementation of trade agreements;
– Monitoring of trade statistics;

– Monitoring relations with international organizations working in the field of international trade;

– The development or approval standards for presentation, storage and distribution of consumer products and the enforcement of these standards by the economic operators concerned;

– The application of administrative sanctions in case of fraud or non-compliance with the standards;

– Promoting the competitiveness of Cameroonian products on foreign markets. He is assisted by a Secretary of State.

(8) The Minister of Communications is responsible for the development, implementation and evaluation of national policy in the field of social communication.

In this capacity he is responsible for:

– The preparation of regulations in the field of social communication and advertising;

– The promotion of the image of Cameroon;

– The contribution to the formation of civic culture and the development of national consciousness through the media;

– Respect for pluralism and media ethics in this field;

– The training of human resources in the business concerned;

– Monitoring issues related to advertising.

It provides assistance to the heads of departments in the implementation of their communication strategy.

It assists the Minister of Foreign Affairs in its information activities of foreign governments and international organizations in Cameroon.

He supervises the newspapers and advertising, including the Company Press and Publishing Cameroon, the Office of Radio and Television of Cameroon and the Imprimerie Nationale.

He is assisted by a Minister.

(9) The Minister of Culture is responsible for the development, implementation and evaluation of the policy of the Nation in promoting and developing cultural and national integration.

In this capacity he is responsible for:

– Development and dissemination of national culture;

– The preparation and monitoring of measures to strengthen national integration;

– The cinematography;
– The protection, conservation, enhancement and promotion of cultural heritage, artistic and national film;

– The preservation of historical sites and monuments, museums, libraries, film and national archives.
He exercises the authority of the Palais des Congrès and the liaison between the government and copyright organizations.

(10) The Minister of Urban Development and Housing is responsible for the implementation of the national policy on urban development and housing.

In this capacity he is responsible for:

a) In terms of urban development:

– Planning and control of urban development;

– Developing and monitoring the implementation of development strategies and restructuring of cities;

– The definition of standards for sanitation and drainage and monitoring compliance with those standards;

– The development and implementation of integrated social development strategies of the different urban areas;

– The definition of standards of hygiene and sanitation, removal and / or treatment of household waste, as well as monitoring compliance with these standards;

– The beautification of urban centers in liaison with departments and regional and local authorities concerned;

– The development and implementation of strategies for improving circulation in the major urban centers;

– The development and implementation of strategies for improving circulation in the major urban centers;

– The development and implementation of strategies for management of urban infrastructure;

– Liaising with international organizations involved in the development of cities;

b) Habitat:

– The implementation of the social housing policy;

– Developing and implementing a plan to improve habitat, both in urban and rural areas;

– The definition and enforcement of housing standards.
He works closely with the local authorities.
He supervises the Real Estate Company of Cameroon, Projects and Organizations contributing to the development of cities and housing.

(11) The Minister of Lands and Land Affairs is responsible for the preparation, implementation and evaluation of the political public property, land and cadastral country.

In this capacity, he is responsible for:

– The management of public and private spheres of the State;

– The management of the national and proposals for allocation;

– The protection of public and private spheres of the state against any attack, in collaboration with the relevant authorities;

– The development and maintenance of cadastral maps;

– The completion of all necessary studies for the delineation of cadastral boundaries of integration, the establishment and control of land reserves in relation to the ministry of urban development and regional and local authorities concerned;

– Management of real estate and furniture of the State;

– The acquisition and expropriation of property in favor of the State and public institutions and administrative capital companies published in collaboration with governments and agencies;

– Management and monitoring of administrative locations.

He supervises the Mission Planning and Equipment of Land and rural areas.

(12) The Minister of Economy and Finance is responsible for the development and implementation of fiscal policy, fiscal policy, monetary and fiscal state.

In fiscal policy, budgetary and fiscal, he is responsible for:

– The preparation, monitoring and control of the execution of the state budget, both in regard to the operation that investment;

– Taxes and customs;

– Financial control organizations have a specific budget and autonomous public institutions according to the regulations of each organization;

– Monitoring and control of receivables management and public participation, debt legal persons of public law and employment subsidies;

In the area of ​​monetary and financial policy, it provides:

– Prospecting, negotiating, finalizing and monitoring the implementation of agreements and loan agreements;

– The management of domestic and external public debt;

– The management of the Treasury;

– The promotion of savings and its use for economic development;

– Monitoring of monetary cooperation;

– Control of external finance, currency and exchange regulations;

– Monitoring and control of credit institutions, insurance companies and financial markets,

In economic policy it is responsible for:

– Coherence and coordination of actions undertaken with various international and bilateral partners in the Programme of Economic Recovery and Recovery;

– Monitoring records OHADA, in conjunction with the Ministry of Justice;

– Monitoring the affairs of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the European Union, the African Development Bank, the Islamic Development Bank.

The Minister of Economy and Finance chairs the Interministerial Committee for Supervision of the program of structural adjustment and the Interministerial Committee for Rehabilitation of Public Enterprises. It recognizes the Technical Committee Preparation and monitoring of the Structural Adjustment Programme and Mission Rehabilitation of Public Enterprises.

He supervises the Institute Issue, credit institutions and insurance companies, the National Centre for Software Development.
The Minister of Economy and Finance is assisted by a Minister of the Budget, a Deputy Minister for Programmes and a Secretary of State.

(13) The Minister of Basic Education is responsible for the preparation, implementation and evaluation of the state policy in the field of basic education.

In this capacity he is responsible for:

– The organization and functioning of pre-school and primary education;

– Developing and monitoring the implementation of the school map for this level of education;

– The development of management standards and evaluation of educational institutions;

– The design and the determination of educational programs and monitoring their implementation;

– The design and dissemination of standards, rules and procedures for assessment of learners;

– Management and training of teaching staff and assistants;

– Studies and research on the most appropriate methods for basic education;

– Monitoring of Koranic schools;

– The design and organization of activities against illiteracy among young children;

– Of your moral, civic and intellectual children of school age;

– Liaison with the United Nations for Education, Science and Culture regarding basic education.

(14) The Minister of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries is responsible for the development, implementation and evaluation of the state policy in the field of livestock, fisheries and harmonious development of animal industries.

As part of his duties, he is responsible, in conjunction with other departments concerned:

– The application of any measures for the conservation, development and exploitation of domestic animals and their products;

– The safety of food of animal origin;

– Training and technical support in animal husbandry;

– Training of fishermen, the protection of marine resources and river improvement of production and sanitary control and statistical fisheries maritime, river and fish;

– Studies and research for the renewal of fisheries resources and fisheries in conjunction with the Ministry of Scientific Research.

He supervises the Company’s Development and Exploitation of Animal Production, Mission Development Fisheries, Marine Craft and National Veterinary Laboratory.

(15) The Minister of Employment and Vocational Training is responsible for the development and implementation of national policy on employment, training and employability.

In this capacity he is responsible for:

– The preparation of the employment policy;

– The defense and promotion of employment;

– The orientation and placement of labor;

– Studies on the evolution of employment and the labor market;

– Studies on the development of employment skills;

– The design and organization of vocational training activities quickly;

– The definition of organizational standards of learning systems and professional qualification and monitoring compliance;

– The organization and monitoring of the professional insertion of young people trained;

– The organization of recycling activities or retraining for workers who lost their jobs;

(16) The Minister of Energy and Water’s mission is to develop, implement and evaluate the state policy in the field of generation, transmission and distribution of energy and water.

In this capacity he is responsible for:

– The development of plans and strategies in governmental power supply and water;

– Prospecting, research and the use of water in urban and rural areas;

– The promotion of new energy in conjunction with the Ministry of Scientific Research.

He supervises the establishments and companies of production, transmission and distribution of electricity, gas and water, of the Cameroon Oil Deposits.

(17) The Minister of Secondary Education is responsible for the development, implementation and evaluation of the state policy in the field of general secondary education, technical and teacher.

In this capacity, he is responsible for:

– The organization and operation of general secondary education and technical

– The design of curricula and research methods of general secondary education and technical and monitoring their implementation;

– The moral, civic and intellectual students, secondary general and technical

– Developing and monitoring the implementation of the school map for this level of education;
– Monitoring and control of the administrative and pedagogical learning structures both public and private;

– The development of standards and monitoring their implementation;

– Orientation and educational planning;

– Policy Book for this level of education;

– Management and training of teaching staff subject to the powers delegated to other heads of departments;

– Liaison with UNESCO on matters within its area of ​​jurisdiction.

(18) The Minister of Higher Education is responsible for the development and implementation of government policy in higher education, organization, operation and control of higher education teaching .

In this regard:

– He studied government and proposes ways to continuously adapt the system of higher education to national economic and social realities, particularly with regard to the adequacy of the higher education needs of the economy national

– Ensures a permanent bond with all sectors of national life (government, public sector corporations or quasi-private) for the professionalization of higher education.

It exercises supervision over the universities, research centers and academic institutions, public and private.

(19) The Minister of Environment and Nature Protection is responsible for developing, coordinating and monitoring the implementation of the national environmental policy.

In this capacity, he is responsible for:

– Coordination and monitoring of interventions by regional or international cooperation in environmental matters;

– The definition of management measures of natural resources in connection with the concerned ministries and specialized agencies;

– Information from the public to elicit their participation in the management, protection and restoration of the environment;

– The development of sectoral master plans for environmental protection in conjunction with the departments concerned;

– The negotiation of international agreements and conventions relating to the protection of the environment and their implementation.

(20) The Minister of Public Service and Administrative Reform is responsible for:
– Management officials and agents of the State, with the exception of officers
National Security and Armed Forces of Judges and staff of the Penitentiary Administration subject to the powers delegated to other heads of departments;

– The preparation of legislation or regulations relating to the status of agents of the State;

– Coordination of training of state officials and officials;

– Diligence disciplinary action against officials and agents of the State under the conditions specified in the regulations;

– All studies related to the changing needs and resources of the State agents;
– Litigation Public Service.
It is the government council for the organization and administrative reform.

In this capacity, he studied and it offers any measure to improve the cost-efficiency in public services and accelerated processing of administrative records.

He supervises the National School of Administration and Magistracy and the High Institute of Public Management.

(21) The Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife is responsible for the development, implementation and evaluation of national policy on forest and wildlife.

In this capacity, he is responsible for:

– The management and protection of forests in the national domain;

– The development and monitoring of the implementation of programs of regeneration, reforestation, inventory and forest management;

– Monitoring of compliance in the field of forestry by different stakeholders;

– The application of administrative penalties where appropriate;

– Liaison with professional organizations in the forestry sector;

– The development and management of botanical gardens;

– The implementation of international conventions ratified by Cameroon in wildlife and hunting.

He supervises the agency National Forest Development and liaison with the United Nations Food and Agriculture regarding the forest.

(22) The Minister of Industry, Mines and Technological Development is responsible for developing strategies for industrial development by enhancing natural resources and the country’s mines and technological development in the various sectors of the national economy.

In this capacity, he is responsible for:

– The development and implementation of the industrialization plan of the country;

– Geological prospecting and mining activities;

– Development and dissemination of monitoring the implementation of texts provided by the Investment Charter;

– Standardization in relation to the departments concerned;

– Local processing of agricultural products;

– The promotion and monitoring of private investment;

– Monitoring the affairs of the World Intellectual Property Organization and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization;

– Monitoring the activities of the National Office of Industrial Zones and Mission Development and Management of industrial zones.

He supervises the National Investment Corporation, the National Office of EPZs, Mission Development and management of industrial zones, the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Crafts, public or semi-public industrial companies involved in its jurisdiction, response organizations and assistance to industries and companies mining framework.

(23) The Minister of Youth is responsible for the preparation and implementation of national policy in the field of youth.

In this capacity, he is responsible for:

– The development and implementation of appropriate strategies to facilitate the contribution of youth in the development of the country and to promote the values ​​of peace, labor, democracy and solidarity;

– Taking into account the concerns of young people in development strategies in different sectors;

– Social inclusion of young people, rural and urban;

– The economic and social advancement of young people and their organizations;

– Coordination of action and monitoring of youth associations and movements;

– The civic education of youth.

It is responsible for national civil service participation in development and supervises the agencies under its jurisdiction.

(24) The Minister of Justice Attorney General is responsible for:
– The preparation of laws and regulations relating to nationality, rules on conflicts of laws, the status of judges, organization and functioning of the High Court of Justice, the Supreme Court, the Superior Council of the Judiciary and the judicial system;

– The preparation of laws and regulations relating to the status of persons and property, the system of obligations and contracts in civil and commercial matters (civil and commercial legislation), and the procedural rules of jurisdiction in all civil courts, the general and special criminal law, the organization of the professions of lawyer and officer of the court;

– The examination of applications for clemency and parole;

– The preparation and implementation of prison policy, he is responsible for organizing and monitoring the operation of detention centers and prisons, as well as personnel management within the administration prison;

– Conservation and sealing of the Republic of Cameroon.

He chairs the law reform commissions, judicial and ensures the functioning of courts and discipline of judges, clerks and under its authority. He oversees the discipline of lawyers and paralegals.
He supervises the National School of Penitentiary Administration.

(25) The Minister of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, Social Economy and Handicrafts is responsible for the definition and implementation of government policy in the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, the economy Social and crafts.

In this capacity, he is responsible for:

– The promotion and supervision of small and medium-sized enterprises and craft;

– The development of the social economy;

– The establishment, in conjunction with professional organizations and a database of projects for investors in the areas of small and medium enterprises and I craft;

– The promotion of entrepreneurship and-private initiative;

– Monitoring the activities of aid agencies to small and medium-sized enterprises and craft;

– Promoting the products of small and medium-sized enterprises and craft, in conjunction with relevant professional organizations;

– Monitoring of professional organizations, small and medium enterprises and crafts;

– Monitoring the evolution of the informal sector and related studies;
– Identifying and exploring the possibilities of migration informal sector to craft and micro-enterprises;

– The study of any measures to promote information and training for the informal sector.

(26) The Minister of Planning, Development Programming and Regional Planning is responsible for the development of general guidelines and strategies for medium and long-term monitoring of their implementation.

Planning of development, it is responsible for:
– The development of a comprehensive strategic planning of national development;

– Coordination and monitoring of the implementation of the strategy of poverty reduction;

– The realization of studies and prospective analyzes of the country’s development in the medium and long term;

– The coherence of sectoral development strategies with the overall framework of development and the fight against poverty;

– Coordination of studies and projects of national economic interest;

– Coordination of studies and monitoring of population issues;

– Planning of human resources;

– Coordination and supervision of the production and dissemination of statistics and national accounts.

In programming, it is responsible for:

– The development of the multiannual investment program of the State;

– The centralization and management of the bank project;

– Promotion of public investment;

– The international technical cooperation.

In terms of planning, it is responsible for:

– The coordination and implementation of development studies in the territory, both at national and regional levels;

– The development of norms and standards for planning and monitoring their implementation;

– Monitoring and control of the implementation of national, regional and local planning;

– Monitoring of sub-regional organizations involved in the development or preservation of the sub-regional ecosystem.

It is also responsible for monitoring cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme for Development, Economic Commission for Africa United Nations.

He supervises the missions or development planning, the Pan African Institute for Development of Sub-Regional Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics Institute of Demographic Training and Research , Central Bureau of Population Census.

He is assisted by a Minister and a Secretary of State.

(27) The Minister of Posts and Telecommunications is responsible for the preparation and implementation of the country’s policy in the field of posts and telecommunications.

Ace title:

– He studied, carries out or corresponding facilities and infrastructure;
– It provides or arrange the training of its sector;
– It also monitors the activities of the mobile telecommunications companies and satellite;

– It ensures the supervision of the Regulatory Agency for Telecommunications, the Cameroon Postal Services, the National School of Posts and Telecommunications of Cameroon Telecommunications.

(28) The Minister of Women’s Empowerment and the Family is responsible for developing
and implementation of measures for the rights of Cameroonian women in society, the elimination of discrimination in respect of Women and increasing guarantees of equality in the political, economic , social and cultural development is also responsible for the implementation of the national policy of family.

Ace title:

– It shall study and submit to the Government the conditions facilitating the employment of Women in administration, agriculture, commerce and industry;
– Liaise with relevant national and international policies to promote women;

– He supervises the agencies, training women to the exclusion of educational institutions of the Ministry of National Education;
– He studied and proposes strategies and measures to strengthen harmony in families.

(29) The Minister of Scientific Research and Innovation is responsible for the development and implementation of the policy of scientific research and innovation.

In this capacity, he is responsible for:

– Animation, coordination and control of scientific research throughout the territory, in order to promote the economic, social and cultural development;

– Valuation, extension and exploitation of research results in permanent liaison with all sectors of the national economy and government departments and agencies.

He supervises the Institute of Agricultural Research for Development and Research Institutes.

(30) The Minister of External Relations is responsible for ensuring the implementation of the external relations policy adopted by the President of the Republic.

In this capacity, he is responsible for:

– Relations with foreign states, international organizations and other subjects of the international community;

– The protection of citizens and interests abroad Cameroon.
In addition:

– It gathers and disseminates information on departments to foreign states and international organizations that could facilitate the work of public services;

– It contributes to the information of foreign governments, public opinion, and international organizations with regard to the political economic, social and cultural Cameroon in conjunction with the Minister of Communication;

– Managing the careers of diplomatic personnel.

He is assisted by a deputy minister in charge of cooperation with the Member States of the Commonwealth and a Minister in charge of cooperation with the Islamic world.

(31) The Minister of Health is responsible for the development, implementation and ongoing evaluation of public health policy.

In this regard:

– It ensures the organization, management and development of public hospitals and training the technical control of private health facilities;

– Is responsible for preventive medicine;

– It monitors the professions of doctor, dentist and pharmacy supervises the professional correspondents and public health agencies;

– It contributes to the training of doctors, pharmacists and paramedical staff and their constant recycling.

He supervises the administrative and public sector organizations of public health.

He is assisted by a Secretary of State.

(32) The Minister of Sports and Physical Education is responsible for the development, implementation and ongoing evaluation of the policy of sports and physical education.

In this capacity, he is responsible for:

– Prepare strategies and development plans relating to sport and physical activity;

– Develop programs for the promotion of elite sport and higher levels of technical and tactical sport;

– Monitor the implementation of programs of preparation of elite athletes in conjunction with the sports federations;

– To develop and promote the Olympic spirit and culture within the company;

– Prepare draft texts of the sport sector;

– To stop teaching programs of physical education and sports in primary schools, secondary and tertiary, public and private, and to monitor the implementation;

– Develop partnerships with the private sector for investment in sport;

– Develop training and contribute to research in sport science;

– Develop cooperation projects with national and international or friendly countries in the areas of physical education and sports, and to ensure their implementation, and evaluation.

He supervises institutions and training institutions in physical education and sports, sports federations, as well as public and private institutions in the areas of sports and physical education.

(33) The Minister of Tourism is responsible for the development, implementation and ongoing evaluation of government policy in the field of tourism.

In this capacity, he is responsible for:

– The development of strategies and plans for tourism development;

– Inventory and development of tourist sites;

– Training in hospitality and tourism;

– The development of standards in hotels and restaurants as well as control of tourism establishments – the promotion of domestic tourism;

– The preparation of draft texts on tourism;

– Relations between the government and private associations or organizations interested in domestic and foreign tourism in Cameroon.

He supervises the hotel companies with public capital and training institutions hospitality and tourism. It follows the activities of the World Tourism Organization and International Organizations Cooperation tourism.

(34) The Minister of Transport is responsible for the coordinated development of all transport modes.

In this regard:

– It provides or controls the organization and operation of air, rail, road, sea and river;

– He studied and participates in the development and implementation of legislative and regulatory measures relating to transport, safety and accident prevention;

– Is responsible for civil aviation, maritime and river navigations, road and rail transport and meteorology;

– It follows the implementation and execution of the plan the transport sector;

– It contributes to the professional training of transport;

– It follows the affairs of the Agency for the Safety of Air Navigation and all those relating to aviation safety and liaison with the Organization of International Civil Aviation Organization and World Meteorological;

– It monitors the activities of the CAMRAIL.

He supervises the National Port Authority, the Cameroon Airlines, Airports Company of Cameroon and all other public or semi-public within its sector.

He is assisted by a Secretary of State.

(35) – Minister of Labour and Social Security is responsible for the preparation, implementation and evaluation of policies and programs of the State in the areas of industrial relations, the status of workers, and welfare.

In this capacity he is responsible for:

– Monitoring the implementation of the Labour Code and international conventions ratified by Cameroon, relating to the work;

– The development and implementation of social welfare policy;

– Liaison with the agencies of the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity specialized in the field of work he supervises the National Fund of Social Welfare and response organizations in exploration employment.

(36) The Minister of Public Works is responsible for the maintenance and protection of the road, as well as supervision and technical control of the construction of public buildings.

In this regard:

– It performs all necessary studies for adaptation to local ecosystems of these facilities in conjunction with the Ministry of Research
Scientific research institutions or teaching and any other competent body;

– It assists in the construction and maintenance of roads, including urban roads, in conjunction with the relevant departments;

– It contributes to the professional training of public works;

– It monitors the execution of the construction of public buildings in accordance with established standards.

He supervises the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Travaux Publics. Parc National Materials Engineering and National Laboratory of Civil Engineering.

He is assisted by a Secretary of State roads.

(1) The President of the Republic appoints civil and military, including:

a-by Presidential Decree:

– The Prime Minister and other members of the government and the like;
– The Grand Chancellor of National Orders, (the Special Advisors and Goodwill Ambassadors)
– Governors of the Province;
– Ambassadors and Permanent Representatives;
– The Technical Advisers, the responsible mission, Attached, Directors and Assimilated the Presidency of the Republic and the Prime Minister;
– General secretaries, general managers, inspectors general of ministries;
– University presidents, vice-presidents and general secretaries of the universities;
– Inspectors and Inspectors of State;
– Directors and Assimilated services attached to the Presidency of the Republic;
– The general secretaries of province;
– Prefects, sub-prefects and heads of district;
– The chairmen of boards of directors, general managers and assistant general managers, directors and deputy directors of public enterprises and parastatals and public institutions, where organic laws so provide.

b-by Presidential Decree:

– The deputy directors and the like of the Presidency of the Republic and related services.

(3) The Prime Minister appoints:

b-decree of the Prime Minister:

– Directors and related central government under his authority, after approval of the President of the Republic;
– Administrative advisors, after approval of the President of the

b-by the Prime Minister:

– The director and similar assistants of the Prime Minister;
– Employees of provincial governors, deputies and assistants prefectural district, after approval of the President of the Republic;

– The traditional leaders of the first degree, upon approval of the President of the Republic.

(4) The competent ministers appoint by order, after approval by the Prime Minister, deputy directors, assistant directors and the like, the provincial delegates, heads of central and provincial councilors administrative assistants, heads of services and deputy heads of office, unless the decree on the organization of the ministerial department provides otherwise.

(5) The approval of the President of the Republic, under this article, is expressly takes the form of a visa.


(1) In the exercise of their duties, the ministers have a Secretariat headed by a Secretary General, or a general inspections, a firm, an administration office and, where appropriate, decentralized services, and related services.

(2) The Secretaries of State and the like may possibly have a cabinet.

(3) The organization of the firm is determined by a particular text.

(4) The services are decentralized branches of the Department at provincial, district and borough.

(5) The related services consist of decentralized projects and programs contributing to the tasks of the ministry.

(1) The departmental headquarters includes a general secretariat, branch, branches, divisions, sub divisions.
-Directions, cells, services, offices.

(2) The General Secretariat is headed by a Secretary-General, the main collaborator of the minister, following the statement of affairs of the department and the Minister receives delegation of signature required.

It coordinates the services of the central administration and decentralized services of the Ministry and maintains this coordination meetings which address the minutes to the Minister.
Under the authority of the Minister, following the action of related services which approves the agenda and receives reports of activity.

In the absence or incapacity of the Secretary General, the Minister appoints a CEO or a director, as appropriate, for the interim.

(5) The Secretary defines and codifies procedures within the department.

(4) The Secretary General shall ensure ongoing training for staff and under the authority of the Minister, seminars and refresher courses or refresher specialization.
It ensures the rapid processing of files, centralizes and manages the archives of the Department documentation.

(5) The Inspectors General, the inspectors and advisers are attached directly to the Minister.
When the Inspector General has two or more inspectors general, coordinated by the Inspector General the oldest in the highest degree.

(6) Translation services established in ministries dealing with the current translation. The official translation is restricted to the direction of the language services of the Presidency of the Republic.

9: All provisions prior to this decree.

10: This decree shall be registered, published according to the procedure of urgency and inserted in the Official Gazette in English and French.

Yaoundé, December 8, 2004.

The President of the Republic,

Paul Biya