Circular No. 00000002IMINDAF
of 29 December 2005 on your reform
movable property of the State

The Minister of Lands and Land Affairs

To all Ministers

1) This circular is intended to regulate the process of reform of movable property within the State and certain legal persons under public law.

1.1 The authorities and legal persons under public law whose heritage is above target are those that the law and regulations subject to the obligation to keep the public accounting, including:

Administrations of the Armed Forces and Fonts;

Civilian agencies, the projects inside or outside funding, grantees;

Public and parastatal agencies;

The local authorities.

Movable heritage includes objects, materials and durable materials, assessable and quantifiable except for consumables which are otherwise unregulated disposal by this instruction.

2.1 The objects and materials to reform can be grouped under a common name to form an assembly forming a collective unit. In this case, the elements of the collective unit must remain constant until the end of the reform exercise.

3) The reform is a form of alienation durable physical assets, of condemning permanently, by the output of bookkeeping service holder material unusable due to dilapidation, obsolescence, poor condition of normal use very extended, either to decommissioning, demolition, destruction or public auction, in the manner prescribed by the regulations.

4) The Director oversees state property, as delegated by the Minister of Lands and Land Affairs, the reform process. As such, it approves the minutes sanctioning the work of the Commission Reform and thereby makes enforceable measures recommended by the Commission Reform.


The Director of the State Property monitors on Minister’s delegation of Lands and Land Affairs, the reform process. As such, it approves the minutes sanctioning the work of the Commission Reform and thereby makes enforceable measures recommended by the Commission Reform.

Composition of the ad hoc committees reform
5) The ad hoc committee for the reform of state property and legal persons of public law are constituted as follows:

Assistant Director of Inventory, Maintenance and Reforms or his representative;


The authorizing materials
* One or two officials of the Sub-Directorate of the State Automobile Park in the case of the reform of vehicles;

* One or two officials under the direction of Heritage furniture the State;

* The Contents competent accountant.

Reporter: Head of Service Reform.

5.2 At the provincial level services:


the Provincial Delegate of Lands and Land Affairs or his representative.


The officer-material

* One or two leaders required their expertise;
The competent accountant Materials;

Reporter: Head of Provincial Heritage Service of the State.

5.3 In terms of departmental services:


the Departmental Delegate of Lands and Land Affairs or his representative;


* The officer-materials;

* One or two leaders required their expertise;

* The Contents competent accountant.

Reporter: Head of Service Departmental Patrimony.

5.4 At the level of diplomatic representations abroad Cameroon é:

Chair: Head of the Diplomatic Mission

Members: One or two officials said diplomatic representation;

Rapporteur: the Collector.

Initiation and conduct of operations reform

6) Any proposal for reform of rolling stock or aircraft shall be coated prior approval of the Minister user of the board of the legal person concerned or any institution taking into links.

7) The ad hoc committees of the reform must produce four (4) minutes of one enlargements reform signed by all the members to numbers one and three pages (see sample attached) that the President sends to the Director of Heritage State for approval.

8) Any transaction reform is triggered by a demand for reform, attached a summary of the material characteristics of the material matched (age, position, status, etc.)., The authorizing user-address materials to the Minister Domains in the guise of the President of the reform commission territorial jurisdiction.

8.1 In case of admissibility of the request, the Chairman of the ad hoc committee shall convene the reform commission for the purpose of deciding on the appropriateness of the reform, by any means of verifying relevant like work and ‘appropriate technical expertise.
8.2 The convening of the reform commission is approved in advance by the Director of State Property, within 15 days from the date of referral, the postmark authentic. The silence by the Director of State Assets during this period is acquiescence.

Validation and closure of the reform

9) Approval of the Minutes of reform by the Director of State Property is a decision of reform.

9.1 A certified copy of the minutes of reform following officials shall be notified to

Lordonnateur malières-initiator of the reform, to update the accounting records and made available to the condemned material MINDAF

Receiver domains responsible for the sale, if any part of the material is intended for sale;

The Deputy Director of the State Heritage furniture for support equipment for demolition, decommissioning or destruction and update the file property of the State;

The Head of Service of the Reformation, recipient and custodian of all strains.

10) If for reasons of distance, space or lack of means of transport, discarded equipment can not be moved from its original position, the Accounting-Materials of this post consists of office keeper of the material until the final execution of the decision of reform.

I attach great importance to the strict application of the provisions of this circular.

Louis-Marie Abogo Nkono
Minister of fields and borders Affairs